Become A Member
Any prospective member is warmly invited to attend two General Meetings or Activities before deciding if FAN suits her. Our General Meetings are held September through May and offer entertaining or informative programs each month (see the home page of the website for location and time).
Our dues are modest (currently $25 annually) to underwrite the meeting programs. In addition, a monthly newsletter is emailed to all members, and an annual Membership Directory is distributed to keep everyone connected. FAN also hosts a Facebook page to share news and fun photos of our activities.
Here are the membership details:
The Club year begins on June 1 and ends on May 31 of the following year.
Members will become inactive if yearly dues are not paid by September 30.
Members joining or renewing their memberships through December 31 must pay full dues of $25.00.

Membership Directory
New members joining from January through March will pay half the yearly dues.
Dues will be paid after two regular meetings, two activities, or a combination thereof.
If you're ready to become a member, please complete the New Member Form and mail it with payment to the address on it.
If you have any additional questions, please contact our 2nd Vice President of Membership:
Gayla Baker at gayla.baker1@gmail.com.